
EtruscAI is a non-profit machine learning and data science organization.

Our aim is to enhance our skills and expertise in machine learning and data science through research and practical implementations.

Our motto is: "Alone you can go fast, together you can go far"

With Whom We Work?

We collaborate with talented students aspiring to build a career in data science, early-career professionals looking to establish themselves in the field, and individuals seeking a career transition into data science. Together, we engage in projects and work on various aspects of the field to foster growth and development in the data science domain.

We aspire to work with the most determined and disciplined individuals in order to achieve the highest level of success.

Who We Are?

As long as we have the energy, we strive to climb to the top levels of the pyramid, earn the highest salaries, work in the best working conditions, and take on challenging tasks that have high value and impact. We are willing to exert the necessary effort for this. Quality and continuous learning are not just career goals for us; they are a way of life.

What we do?

We regularly come together online at specific days and times of the week to share our findings with each other.

Article Discussion Groups

We read data science articles from various platforms and engage in discussions about them.

Portfolio Enhancement

We work on datasets and solve problems, acquiring new knowledge to enrich our portfolio and GitHub account.

Article Writing

We write articles on topics related to data science and publish them on online platforms such as Medium.

Kaggle Competitions

We participate in Kaggle competitions and strive to achieve high rankings.

Contribute Open Source Projets

We make contribution to open source projects to sharpen our skills.

What Does EtruscAI Offer to You?

At EtruscAI, if you complete an internship for a certain period of time, fulfill 200 hours, and contribute to the community, we can provide you with support in terms of your career advancement.

There are three key parameters to advance in a career and find a good job:
1- Formal Education
2- Past Experience Info
3- Professional Knowledge

We provide assistance to those who have completed an internship with us in terms of past experience and professional knowledge.

Past Experience Info: Past Experience Info refers to the previous employment history of an individual, including the duration and position held in each company, which is typically mentioned in a CV (curriculum vitae).

Past experience is somewhat symbolic, but it is a crucial parameter in the hiring process.

At EtruscAI, we provide our interns with the opportunity to include our name in their resumes. Additionally, if you wish, we can write a recommendation letter on your behalf for your LinkedIn profile.

We understand and value the importance of distinguishing between a well-executed internship that showcases your skills and a less involved one. At EtruscAI, we strive to ensure that your internship here is not only valuable but also demonstrates the growth and productivity you have achieved during your time with us. We are committed to doing our best to showcase the meaningful experiences and skills you have gained at EtruscAI, setting you apart from other internships you may have had.

During your internship, you will maintain a log file where you document each topic you worked on and the amount of time you spent on each task. Your profile picture and the link to your LinkedIn profile, along with the link to the log file, will be featured in the "Past Interns" section of our website. This way, potential employers and visitors can access your log file and gain insights into your internship experience at EtruscAI.

If you include the link to the log file as a hyperlink in your own CV, prospective employers can click on the link and access the log file to see the duration and topics of your work during your internship at EtruscAI. This provides them with a detailed view of your experience and the projects you have worked on. It adds transparency and allows employers to assess the extent and quality of your contributions during your internship.

Professional Knowledge: Indeed, Past Experience Info in your CV is important, but it is not everything. After the initial interview with human resources, there will be second or third interviews where technical knowledge is discussed. It is disheartening to realize, after a successful first interview, that you feel lacking and weak during a technical interview, wasting both your time and the interviewer's time. To achieve the desired job and salary, it is crucial to have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, in addition to performing well in technical interviews.

Regardless of your job title during your employment, if you lack sufficient professional knowledge, it will easily be recognized by the prospective employer in your next job application.

We, at EtruscAI, assure you that we will not assign tasks that do not align with your career goals. Every task you undertake within EtruscAI will contribute to enhancing your professional knowledge. Rome was not built in a day. It would not be realistic to expect to become a competent engineer in your field in just two months. However, you can be sure that the time you invest will enhance your professional expertise.

As an organization, we follow a policy of documenting our activities as much as possible. When you participate in a code project, we expect you to upload that code to your own GitHub account. Similarly, when you contribute to writing an article, we encourage you to publish it on your own Medium account. This way, your work will yield tangible results, and these concrete outputs will become materials that you can present to potential employers in your next job.

Internship in EtruscAI

  1. For talented students
  2. For recent graduates
  3. For professionals seeking a career change

We offer internship opportunities at EtruscAI.

Working Conditions

  1. We work remotely
  2. You have the freedom to decide when and how much you will work
    (We have meetings on two mornings of the week to evaluate the work. A minimum of 15 hours of work per week is expected from you)
  3. You can take a break from work during exam periods or when you have important tasks


  1. Currently studying or recently graduated from Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Machine Learning, or related quantitative fields
  2. Experience with Python
  3. Good command of the English and Turkish for research and documentation purposes
  4. Having completed courses related to data science and machine learning
  5. We highly value Kaggle experience and an active profile.


  1. Having a work record in your CV with machine learning engineer or data scientist title
  2. Chance to gain professional knowledge and real world tasks
  3. Career coaching and guidance

For additional information and applying please click here

You can access to our previous interns' internship summary and internship log from here.